Saturday, 21 January 2017

AIHRA’s DHARNA for its Charter of Demands @ Janter Manter, New Delhi

Janter Manter, New Delhi: AIHRA’s Dharna for the demand for making Hindi as the national language and for 37 of its Charter of Demands had begun at Janter Manter, New Delhi on 18th Nov, 2016.

On its first day, AIHRA’s president, Dr. M U Dua along with other members had arrived at the site since morning.The stage was set, banners were tied & media was called.

The first day began on a high note from 10 am and lasted till the sunset at 6pm. Along with Dr.Dua members from Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Maharastra & other states were also present. 

Now  is going on with a full spirit and dedication with its president Dr. Dua leading from the front & will continued for an indefinite period.

(Since 2008)

1. Creating awareness about human rights and their protection.
2. Respecting Fundamental Rights and upholding UN Universal Declarations.
3 Honouring committed social reformers and human right activists. 
4. Focusing objectives of politics on the welfare of society and national interest. 
5. Promoting unity, equality, social harmony and national integrity. 
6. Facilitating justice to all without discrimination.
7. Promoting transparency in judicial, quasi-judicial and investigation proceedings.
8. Reducing VIP system, as all human beings deserve equitable treatment. 
9. Taking effective steps to make India drugs-free and crime-free. 
10. Increasing investments in agriculture and granting to it status of industry. 
11. Guaranteeing effective security – physical and financial - to all. 
12. Providing single window system in government offices to prevent corruption. 
13. Focusing on workers’ problems and providing quick relief to them. 
14. Promoting equitable development of rural and urban areas.
15. Promoting equitable distribution of food, clothing, housing, health and education facilities. 
16. Promoting focus on women empowerment in all areas. 
17. Providing free education to girls upto 12th standard. 
18. Providing better finance facilities to cottage and small-scale industries. 
19. Appointing human rights volunteers/activists in all government organizations and police stations. 
20. Keeping social activities away from politics to promote better and more active participation of people. 
21. Keeping all public authorities free from undue political pressures. 
22. Providing adequate and effective counseling and help to youth. 
23. Regulating working hours of police & security personnel to provide for their health, welfare and social life. 
24. Honouring media to motivate its participation in creating awareness and social causes.
25. Providing better and equitable representation to social activists in executive, legislature and judiciary. 
26. Changing the socio-economic system to ensure better opportunities to all. 
27. Declaring common men’s language as the national language. 
28. Identifying all Indians with reference to INDIA and not on the basis of caste, race, region or religion. 
29. Establishing a specialized bank on the lines of Swiss Bank to prevent outflow of black money and its investment in priority sectors. 
30. Providing concessions and tax relief to human right activists in all journeys. 
31. Providing concessional or free insurance to human right activists. 
32. Establishing a Special Fund to promote human rights activities. 
33. Guaranteeing employment to youth.
34. Banning display of violent and obscene scenes in all media, including films. 
35. Promoting human right activities through village panchayats, municipal/ district authorities, state legislatures and Parliament.
36. Establishing Human Rights University.
37 . Nominating human right activists in state legislatures and Rajya Sabha/Parliament.


Thursday, 12 January 2017

AIHRA's 30th GLOBAL SUMMIT-10th Dec, 2016

AIHRA's 30th 
10th Dec, 2016.

On the occasion of 

World Human Rights Day


“Where the big screen ends; the real life starts there.”

On the occasion of ‘World Human Rights Day’ 10th Dec, ‘AIHRA’ organized its 30th Global Summit at Marwa Studio Complex at Noida. On this day the theme was “Reel vs. Real” and many eminent persons were also present there. The ceremony started when the President of ‘AIHRA’ Mr. M.U.Dua lighted up the candle and then delivered a speech thereafter. 

There was a speech by Mr. Rajeev Chandran, the UN Representative. Then Mr. Sanjeev Marwa also delivered the speech. They explained beautifully the difference between reel life and real life. In reel life we used to see that hero is almighty and he can fight with the goons without hurting himself and save the family or the suffered person all alone and the police has no role to play as such, but in the real life when goons came no one act like a hero and save the suffered person they are just audience.

In the reel life happy ending is must and without happy ending its incomplete but in our real life happy ending in each and every situation is a bit impossible to see. So from this we can say that our reel life is coated with silver coating and it seems all good but in our real life we have to consume the bitter truth and it’s harsh to accept by the people who dream reel life. 

AIHRA present the concept of REEL vs. REAL in a captivating manner and the audience present there were satisfied with the programme. After that book release named ’Human’, speeches by special guest, AIHRA documentary and award ceremony with felicitation. The programme ended around 5’o clock in the evening. All over it was a good educational value programme organized by AIHRA.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Books by AHRA Publication :-

2. Corruption & Human Rights
1. à¤­्रष्टाचार व मानवाधिकार

4. Good Governance & Human Rights
3. à¤®ानवाधिकार व सुशासन

6. Terrorism & Human Rights
5. à¤†à¤¤ंकवाद व मानवाधिकार

SPECIAL OFFER: Get all 6 books only for Rs.500/-

Rs.500/- only


To Order,

1/24,KMT Bhawan, 2nd Floor, ST.NO.#2, Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar,  Delhi-110092 (India) Tel. : 91-11-43026940 M- 9910636345AIHRA HQ.
1/24, KMT Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
St.No.#2, Lalita Park,
Laxmi Nagar, 
Delhi-110092 (India)
Tel. : 91-11-43026940
M- 9910636345

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

AIHRA International HR Online University (AIHRU)

Free 3-Month Online Certificate Course

AIHRA International HR online university provides a free 3-month online Certificate Course on Human Rights.The course is conducted under the guidance of prominent personalities drawn from UNESCO, NHRC and from other important organisations and institutions involved in the efforts of promoting and protecting human rights.
  • The human rights education courses are not only intended create awareness but also to provide upliftment for the Human Rights.
  • AIHRA will give its membership to all its students without any additional cost as soon as they enroll.
AIHRA provides its learners with high quality course materials online. For certificate course, the qualification required is matric pass. The course period will be of three month duration. Special classes will be organised before the final examination on net. Books and documents will be available in two languages-Hindi and English on net.

The Objectives

The main objective is to spread the human rights concepts and messages across all sections of society. The courses will broadly revolved around the following objectives:
  • To acquaint the learners with the concepts and theories of human rights.
  • To acquaint the learners with the process and history of evolution of human rights regime since the formation of UN.
  • To acquaint the learners to under the implementation process of human rights;
  • To acquaint them with the institutions and Mechanism of human rights implementation and To help the learners to under the role of civil society parters in the advocacy of human rights.

The Rational

With the dawn of the new millennia, the world has been facing new challenges and conflicts –  some beckoning to a new vision, while some posing extra-ordinary threat to human existence itself on this planet earth. Intra-and inter-human group conflicts have been more turning into brutal sectarian violence engulfing in its wake both innocent and weak. In addition, the resources of the earth are so perilously consumed that every use, leaving behind it trail, destruction. All this eventually becoming the course of violation of human rights.
Against this backdrop, the proposed courses aim to unfold the opportunity of enhancing the awareness level of people’s knowledge of and ideas about human rights. By drawing people from every walk of life the course will open up new humane visions and endeavour to help people understand the need for a global system based on the principles of inalienable human rights.

Monday, 2 January 2017

What is AIHRA !!!

Introduction to AIHRA

All India Human Rights Association (AIHRA) established in 1987 and Registered in the year 1989 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, is working with dedication  for the Noble cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for all, Economic upliftment of the underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of ideas & ethos amongst the neighboring countries and the people of the rest of the world
AIHRA is purely a non political, Secular NGO operating with the support of its members.
AIHRA has the Recognition today due to the efforts and association of Intellectuals, Philanthropist, Judges and other luminaries having  contributed in a big way in our efforts to bring Awareness of not only Human Values but other social causes too.
Leading Personalities associated with us for the cause from the very inception, just to mention a few, were Late Giani Zail Singh Ji, Former President of India (AIHR’s first Chairperson), sbusequently AIHRA has been chaired by Hon’ble Chief Justice Shri R. N. Mishra Ji, Late Sh. Kafi Azami Ji, Late Sh. Sunil Dutt Ji, besides other important luminaries and 25000+members, in addition the wishes & blessings of large number of well wishers from all over the World.
AIHRA has its representation today in All States of India besides representation in the US, Europe & Asia -Pacific Countries.
AIHRA is a social organisation for the ignored, disregarded, over-looked, victimised, oppressed, depressed, tortured people of the society and it cultivates awareness in them with regard to their rights.  AIHRA is an highly informative secured Human Rights Agency. AIHRA collects problems, complaints and grievances of the sufferers as also anti-social, anti-governmental activities and places them in front of prevailing government administration, police and courts.
AIHRA is also affiliated to the United Nations and other national and international agencies. With its available resources, AIHRA has been commemorating  the International Youth Day, World Human Rights Day, World Women’s and Peace Day, World Press Freedom Day and above all, World Human Rights Day, as also organising different meetings, seminars, conventions, assemblies, conferences, cultural programmes, Youth camps, and judiciary camps.
AIHRA has been running a ‘free school’ for poor persons in North Delhi since 1987. A number of prestigious projects for future are lined up for execution. AIHRA is handling more than 200 Human Rights Centers all over India and has over 25000 members in the organization who are supporting the cause of Human Rights. AIHRA has organized serveral National and International Programmes on Human Rights in Delhi and other states at venues including India International Centre, Siri Fort Auditorium, India Habitat Centre and Pragati Maidan and at other places throughout India and at International level.
Besides making efforts in educating people of their rights, AIHRA has also been encouraging and felicitating various prominent personalities who have done commendable work in the arena of Human Welfare and protection of Human Rights every year, on the occasion of World Human Rights Day, All India Human Rights Association (AIHRA) felicitates a number of Diplomates, Judges, social workers, Leaders and super stars of Indian film industry for theri dedicated contribution towards betterment of the societies and others.
AIHRA opened a Legal Cell at Delhi and throughout India. Legal Services are, provided through Delhi Legal Services Authority & National Legal Services Authority which are helpful to poor, down-trodden, women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, Handicapped, Children, Labour, Factory Workers and other weaker sections of the society. AIHRA also publishes a bi-lingual fortnightly magazine, viz., “AIHRA HUMAN RIGHTS”, that raises voice against all sorts of evils and injustice boldly, simultaneously creating consciousness, awareness in the minds of the people and educating them to train their minds to be united. Through the medium of its written communication, it alerts the Govenment, defaces and unveiles the criminals and corrupt people.
AIHRA in liaison with NGOs & Govermment Organisation seeks mutual help for a better coordination to form a welfare society
For any legal advice to any social problems, GRATIS (COST-FREE) advice is rendered by AIHRA to the needy.
For any legal advice to any social problems, GRATIS (COST-FREE) advice is rendered by AIHRA to the needy.
AIHRA faces and defends of its own the cases in the Courts.
AIHRA had undertaken 70-days International Human Rights Awareness and Sadbhawana Journey from 2nd October to 10th December 2004, covering 15,000 kilometers in 22 States and 2 SAARC countries. Again, in 2006, AIHRA had undertaken a 202-days International Human Rights Awareness for Cultural Integration journey in India and SAARC neighbourhoods, covering 51,000 kilometers, to spread Human Rights Awareness among the people. International Summit to commemorate world Human Rights Day every year on 10th December.
AIHRA follows and observes every Act given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Law of Justice and India’s Constitution. AIHRA believes in developing Human Values well within the framework of National & International Laws.
AIHRA is endeavoring to open Residential Secular Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Old-Age-Homes in all parts of the Country to enhance the Government’s initiative in these sectors.
We have a lofty vision of networking with the nations in the world who solemnly agree with us to promote human values in the globe.  We are contemplating to create an innovative and integrated learning network, campus learning and community management network.  Our focus is to empower the campus and help reach out to the world to consolidate and deliver knowledge with respect to human rights issues that haunt the world today and to bring about peace, harmony and amity amongst us.
Owing to growing inequity in society in all spheres of activity, AIHRA is staging an indefinite Dharna from 9th August 2008 Opposite Parliament of India demanding :
IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST – One National Language, One Law universally applied for all, One National Identity.
IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST – Stop commercialisation of Education, Health and Culture & Ethos.
Our vision is based upon: alignment with established research programs and faculty strength targeted graduate degree programs a strong focus on collaboration the availability of land to accommodate spin-off companies and attract new industries that want to be in close proximity to faculty and graduate students
and finally, the endowed chairs programme, which helps attract senior, highly credentialed faculty who can quickly establish a core group of colleagues and graduate students from across the countries.  Increased base funding for academic and outreach, coupled with the State’s proven commitment to scholarships and research incentives will secure the kind of future we want for Rural India  with more better-paying jobs, an outstanding quality of life, and affordable and accessible educational opportunities.
For any legal advice to any social problems, GRATIS (COST-FREE) advice is rendered by AIHRA to the needy.
AIHRA faces and defends of its own the cases in the Courts.
AIHRA had undertaken 70-days International Human Rights Awareness and Sadbhawana Journey from 2nd October to 10th December 2004, covering 15,000 kilometers in 22 States and 2 SAARC countries.
Again, in 2006, AIHRA had undertaken a 202-days International Human Rights Awareness for Cultural Integration journey in India and SAARC neighbourhoods, covering 51,000 kilometers, to spread Human Rights Awareness among the people.
International Summit to commemorate world Human Rights Day every year on 10th December.
AIHRA follows and observes every Act given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Law of Justice and India’s Constitution. AIHRA believes in developing Human Values well within the framework of National & International Laws.
AIHRA is endeavoring to open Residential Secular Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Old-Age-Homes in all parts of the Country to enhance the Government’s initiative in these sectors.
We have a lofty vision of networking with the nations in the world who solemnly agree with us to promote human values in the globe.  We are contemplating to create an innovative and integrated learning network, campus learning and community management network.  Our focus is to empower the campus and help reach out to the world to consolidate and deliver knowledge with respect to human rights issues that haunt the world today and to bring about peace, harmony and amity amongst us.
Owing to growing inequity in society in all spheres of activity, AIHRA is staging an indefinite Dharna from 9th August 2008 Opposite Parliament of India demanding :
IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST – One National Language, One Law universally applied for all, One National Identity.
IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST – Stop commercialisation of Education, Health and Culture & Ethos.
Our vision is based upon: alignment with established research programs and faculty strength targeted graduate degree programs a strong focus on collaboration
the availability of land to accommodate spin-off companies and attract new industries that want to be in close proximity to faculty and graduate students
and finally, the endowed chairs programme, which helps attract senior, highly credentialed faculty who can quickly establish a core group of colleagues and graduate students from across the countries.  Increased base funding for academic and outreach, coupled with the State’s proven commitment to scholarships and research incentives will secure the kind of future we want for Rural India  with more better-paying jobs, an outstanding quality of life, and affordable and accessible educational opportunities.
1. Legal Cells operating at various parts of the country supported by National Legal Services Authority and Delhi Legal Services Authority.
2. Running International Human Rights Library at H.Q.
3. Running a ‘Free School’ for poor at Delhi.
4. Every year on 10th Dec., Celebrates International Human Rights Day with Award and Cultural Programmes.
5. Publishes regularly AIHRA Human Rights Fortnightly Bi-lingual Magazine.
6. Conducts International Human Rights Camps & Awareness Programmes in different States in India.
7. AIHRA has 200 Units functioning in India.
8. Undertaken 70-Days International Human Rights Awareness & Sadbhawana Journey From 2nd October to 10 December, 2004 Completed 15000 KM, 22 States & 2 Countries. Distributed lakhs of handbill & magazine to spread Human Rights Awareness from the self-generated resources not taking any donation, contribution by Government & others. To conclude this journey, AIHRA organised a Run for Peace from India Gate to Rashtrapati Bhawan.
9. Completed a number of projects related to Human Rights Violations in India & Abroad.
10. Contributed in establishing National Human Rights Commission & Other NGOs.
11. Conducted under one roof 151 Marriages  of all religions for National Integration.
12. Over 1,00,000 cases of poor people have been solved and helped rehabilitating them.
13. World’s First 202 Days International Human Rights Awareness Journey for Cultural Integration from Republic Day to Independence Day. The Journey completed 51,000 Kms, 33 States in India and SAARC-Member Countries not taking any donation/contribution from government and others.
14. AIHRA has 25,000 + Members, 200 Centres and public at large associated with us in our endeavour.
AIHRA plans for a massive National & International Campus in India which will house a number of Independent wings working under the banner of AIHRA, relatively in all fields, viz., Legal, Environment, Media, Youth, Women, Spiritual, Political, Publication, Health, Film, Trade, Education, Project, Technology, Labour & Culture.