Free 3-Month Online Certificate Course
AIHRA International HR online university provides a free 3-month online Certificate Course on Human Rights.The course is conducted under the guidance of prominent personalities drawn from UNESCO, NHRC and from other important organisations and institutions involved in the efforts of promoting and protecting human rights.
- The human rights education courses are not only intended create awareness but also to provide upliftment for the Human Rights.
- AIHRA will give its membership to all its students without any additional cost as soon as they enroll.
AIHRA provides its learners with high quality course materials online. For certificate course, the qualification required is matric pass. The course period will be of three month duration. Special classes will be organised before the final examination on net. Books and documents will be available in two languages-Hindi and English on net.
The Objectives
The main objective is to spread the human rights concepts and messages across all sections of society. The courses will broadly revolved around the following objectives:
- To acquaint the learners with the concepts and theories of human rights.
- To acquaint the learners with the process and history of evolution of human rights regime since the formation of UN.
- To acquaint the learners to under the implementation process of human rights;
- To acquaint them with the institutions and Mechanism of human rights implementation and To help the learners to under the role of civil society parters in the advocacy of human rights.
The Rational
With the dawn of the new millennia, the world has been facing new challenges and conflicts – some beckoning to a new vision, while some posing extra-ordinary threat to human existence itself on this planet earth. Intra-and inter-human group conflicts have been more turning into brutal sectarian violence engulfing in its wake both innocent and weak. In addition, the resources of the earth are so perilously consumed that every use, leaving behind it trail, destruction. All this eventually becoming the course of violation of human rights.
Against this backdrop, the proposed courses aim to unfold the opportunity of enhancing the awareness level of people’s knowledge of and ideas about human rights. By drawing people from every walk of life the course will open up new humane visions and endeavour to help people understand the need for a global system based on the principles of inalienable human rights.
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